Programming Guide
The Proto-Assembly Language is a low-level language that is used to write programs for the DRRA-2 architecture. The language is designed to be simple and easy to understand, while still providing the necessary features to write complex programs. The Proto-Assembly Language are structured assembly language whose instructions are not yet been scheduled. It preserves control hierarchy but lack of timing information. This guide will provide an overview of the language and how to write programs in it. In this guide, you will learn about the syntax of the Proto-Assembly Language, and its constraints.
Syntax Highlighting
We highly recommend to install the vscode extension for syntax highlighting of all languages used by the SiLago project. The extension is not published on vscode marketplace since it's still in alpha quality. However, you can download and install it from VSIX package available on github.
File Types
The Proto-Assembly Language uses the .pasm
file extension for source files. These files contain the source code for a program written in the Proto-Assembly Language.
To supplement the Proto-Assembly Language, the .cstr
file extension is used for constraint files. These files contain the constraints for the program written in the Proto-Assembly Language. The constraints are necessary for the scheduling of the instructions in the Proto-Assembly Language.
The output of the scheduling and synchronization process is an assembly language file with .asm
as suffix. This file contains the scheduled instructions that is ready to processed by the assembler.
Syntax for Proto-Assembly Language
Comments in the Proto-Assembly Language are denoted by the #
character. Anything after the #
character on a line is considered a comment and is ignored by the compiler.
Syntax Format
All regions, operations, and instructions follow the same syntax format. The syntax format is as follows:
However, different regions, operations, and instructions requires only some parts of the syntax format. For example, loop region usually don't need the ID
part; Instructions don't have any contents.
The following EBNF grammar describes the syntax of the Proto-Assembly Language:
start: (loop_region | cond_region | epoch_region)*
loop_region: "loop" ("<" IDENTIFIER ">")? ("(" parameter ("," parameter)* ")") "{" (loop_region | cond_region | epoch_region)+ "}"
cond_region: "cond" ("<" IDENTIFIER ">")? ("(" parameter ("," parameter)* ")") "{" (loop_region | cond_region | epoch_region)+ "}"
epoch_region: "epoch" ("<" IDENTIFIER ">")? ("(" parameter ("," parameter)* ")")? "{" cell_region+ "}"
cell_region: "cell" ("<" IDENTIFIER ">")? "(" parameter ("," parameter)* ")" "{" (cop_region | rop_region | raw_region)+ "}"
cop_region: "cop" ("<" IDENTIFIER ">")? ("(" parameter ("," parameter)* ")")? "{" instruction+ "}"
rop_region: "rop" ("<" IDENTIFIER ">")? ("(" parameter ("," parameter)* ")")? "{" instruction+ "}"
raw_region: "raw" ("<" IDENTIFIER ">")? "{" instruction+ "}"
instruction: IDENTIFIER ("<" IDENTIFIER ">")? ("(" parameter ("," parameter)* ")")?
IDENTIFIER: /[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-z0-9]*/
NUMBER: /[+-]?(0[xdob])?[0-9\.]+/
%import common.WS
%ignore WS
%ignore COMMENTS
Regions and instructions are the basic building blocks of a program written in the Proto-Assembly Language. We introduce the following concepts to help you understand the structure of a program written in the Proto-Assembly Language.
- start region represents the whole program. It contains one or more regions among loop, cond, and epoch.
- loop region is a hierarchical region that contains one or more regions among loop, cond, and epoch.
- cond region is a hierarchical region that contains one or more regions among loop, cond, and epoch.
- epoch region is a region that contains one or more cell region.
- cell region is a region that contains one or more operations among rop, cop, and raw.
- rop or resource operation is a region that contains one or more resource instructions.
- cop or control operation is a region that contains one or more control instructions.
- raw or raw assembly operation is a region that contains assembly instruction that do not need to be process by the scheduler.
- control instructions are instructions that are executed by a sequencer.
- resource instructions are instructions that are executed by a specific resource.
The Proto-Assembly Language is case-sensitive. All keywords must be written in lowercase.
The raw region is not compatible with cop and rop regions. They are not allowed in the same epoch region. This is because the instruction scheduling process works on the entire epoch.
The following is an example of a simple program written in the Proto-Assembly Language:
epoch <rb0> {
cell (x=0, y=0) {
rop <route0r> (slot=0, port=2){
route (slot=0, option=0, sr=0, source=2, target= 0b010000000)
rop <input_r> (slot=1, port=0){
dsu (slot=1, port=0, init_addr=0)
rep (slot=1, port=0, level=0, iter=2, step=1, delay=0)
rop <input_w> (slot=1, port=2){
dsu (slot=1, port=2, init_addr=0)
rep (slot=1, port=2, iter=2, step=1, delay=0)
rop <read_ab> (slot=2, port=3){
dsu (slot=2, port=3, init_addr=0)
rep (slot=2, port=3, iter=2, step=1, delay=0)
cell (x=1, y=0) {
rop <route1wr> (slot=0, port=2){
route (slot=0, option=0, sr=1, source=1, target= 0b0000000000000110)
route (slot=0, option=0, sr=0, source=3, target= 0b010000000)
rop <write_a> (slot=1, port=2){
dsu (slot=1, port=2, init_addr=0)
rep (slot=1, port=2, iter=1, step=1, delay=t1)
rop <write_b> ( slot=2, port=2){
dsu (slot=2, port=2, init_addr=0)
rep (slot=2, port=2, iter=1, step=1, delay=t1)
rop <swb> ( slot=0, port=0){
swb (slot=0, option=0, channel=4, source=1, target=4)
swb (slot=0, option=0, channel=5, source=1, target=5)
swb (slot=0, option=0, channel=3, source=4, target=3)
rop <read_a_seq> ( slot=1, port=1){
dsu (slot=1, port=1, init_addr=0)
rep (slot=1, port=1, iter=16, step=1, delay=0)
rop <read_b_seq> ( slot=2, port=1){
dsu (slot=2, port=1, init_addr=0)
rep (slot=2, port=1, iter=16, step=1, delay=0)
rop <write_c_seq> ( slot=3, port=0){
dsu (slot=3, port=0, init_addr=0)
rep (slot=3, port=0, iter=16, step=1, delay=0)
rop <compute> ( slot=4, port=0){
dpu (slot=4, mode=1)
rop <read_c> ( slot=3, port=3){
dsu (slot=3, port=3, init_addr=0)
rep (slot=3, port=3, iter=1, step=1, delay=0)
cell (x=2, y=0) {
rop <route2w> ( slot=0, port=2){
route (slot=0, option=0, sr=1, source=1, target= 0b0000000000000100)
rop <write_c> ( slot=2, port=2){
dsu (slot=2, port=2, init_addr=0)
rep (slot=2, port=2, iter=1, step=1, delay=0)
rop <output_r> (slot=1, port=3){
dsu (slot=1, port=3, init_addr=0)
rep (slot=1, port=3, iter=1, step=1, delay=0)
rop <output_w> (slot=1, port=1){
dsu (slot=1, port=1, init_addr=0)
rep (slot=1, port=1, iter=1, step=1, delay=0)
Syntax for Constraint Files
The constraint files are used to specify the constraints for the program written in the Proto-Assembly Language. The constraints are necessary for the scheduling of the instructions in the Proto-Assembly Language.
Constraint is also organized as code region. Only the epoch
region is supported in the constraint file because only it requires timing constraints. The ID
field of the epoch
region should be the same as the epoch
region in the proto-assembly file, which is used to match the constraints with the program.
Comments in the constraint file are denoted by the #
character. Anything after the #
character on a line is considered a comment and is ignored by the compiler.
Syntax Format
The syntax format for the constraint file is as follows:
epoch ID {
Currently, we only support linear constraint type. The linear constraints support normal equality and inequality.
The following EBNF grammar describes the syntax of the constraint file:
start: (epoch_region)*
epoch_region: "epoch" ("<" IDENTIFIER ">")? ("(" parameter ("," parameter)* ")")? "{" constraint* "}"
constraint: IDENTIFIER ANY
IDENTIFIER: /[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-z0-9]*/
NUMBER: /[+-]?(0[xdob])?[0-9\.]+/
ANY: /.+/
%import common.WS
%ignore WS
%ignore COMMENTS
- epoch region is a region that contains one or more constraints.
- constraint is single line statement that specifies the constraint type and its content. Each constraint is expressed by a relationship among operations, events, and anchors.
- operation is the ID of the operation in the proto-assembly file. Each operation, depends on its internal instruction list, can be interpreted as a sequence of events and their transformation. The event name in resource operation is used to represent the specific event for operations using
instructions to construct multi-state FSM. For control operations, each instruction will be a new event. The event name always starts withe
and followed by a number. They are always numerically ordered. For example, the first, second and third event of operationop0
will beop0.e0
respectively. - anchor is the specific instances of events in different loop iterations implemented by the
instruction. The anchor name is the event name followed by a sequence of loop iteration number. For example, the first event of operationop0
in the second loop iteration will beop0.e0[1]
. The left-to-right order of the loop iteration number is from the outermost loop to the innermost loop.
The following is an example of a constraint file that specifies the constraints for the proto-assembly program written in the previous section:
epoch <rb0> {
linear ( input_r == input_w )
linear ( route0r < read_ab )
linear ( route1wr < write_a )
linear ( route1wr < write_b )
linear ( read_ab.e0[0] == write_a.e0[0] - 1 )
linear ( read_ab.e0[1] == write_b.e0[0] - 1 )
linear ( write_a < read_a_seq )
linear ( write_b < read_b_seq )
linear ( swb < read_a_seq )
linear ( read_a_seq == read_b_seq )
linear ( read_a_seq + 1 > compute )
linear ( write_c_seq == read_a_seq + 2 )
linear ( compute != route1wr )
linear ( compute != swb )
linear ( read_c.e0[0] > write_c_seq.e0[15] )
linear ( write_c == read_c + 1 )
linear ( output_r > write_c )
linear ( output_r == output_w )