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Installation and Usage

Vesyla-suite and its dependency packages have to be installed on your system to use the tool chain. The following sections describe how to install vesyla-suite and its dependency packages.


Install By Downloading the Release


Vesyla-suite is available as an AppImage. You can download the AppImage file of a specific release from the github page. You should put the AppImage file in a directory in your PATH. For example, you can put the AppImage file in the /usr/bin directory.

sudo mv vesyla-suite /usr/bin/vesyla-suite

Install From Source Code

If you want to compile and install vesyla-suite from source code and make the AppImage file, you can follow the instructions below.


Vesyla-suite can be compiled and installed on any modern linux distribution. Before compiling vesyla-suite, you need to install compilation tool chain. You need to use the correct package manager of your Linux distribution. Read the requirements.txt file in the vesyla-suite source package to get the detailed information about the required packages.

We also provide a script for major Linux distributions to install the required packages automatically. You can find the script in the vesyla-suite source package. The script is named You can run the script to install the required packages.


Compile and install vesyla-suite

We provide a simple script to compile vesyla-suite and make the AppImage file. You can find the script in the vesyla-suite source package. The script is named You can run the script to compile vesyla-suite and make the AppImage file.


Put the AppImage file in your PATH

After you make the AppImage file, you should put the AppImage file in a directory in your PATH. For example, you can put the AppImage file in the /usr/bin directory.

sudo mv vesyla-suite /usr/bin/vesyla-suite

DRRA Component Library

Install By Downloading the Release


The DRRA component library is currently hosted on github at drra-component-lib. In the lib folder, you can find the source code of components for fabric, cells, controllers as well as resources. To use the component library, you can download the release from the github release page and decompress the tarball file.

tar -xvf library.tar.gz
export VESYLA_SUITE_PATH_COMPONENTS=$(pwd)/library

Install From Source Code

To set up the component library, you can clone the repository, compile it and set up the environment variable VESYLA_SUITE_PATH_COMPONENTS to point to the compiled library folder.

git clone
cd drra-component-lib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
export VESYLA_SUITE_PATH_COMPONENTS=$(pwd)/library

Testcases (Optional)

You can optionally download and test all the testcases of DRRA-2. The testcases are available on the github page. You can clone the repository and run the testcases to verify the installation.

git clone
cd drra-testcase

The execution result will be in the output folder. You can check the result to verify the installation.