Vesyla Programming Guide (v3)
This page is written for vesyla-suite version 3. For vesyla-suite version 2, please see Vesyla Programming Guide v2.
Vesyla-suite version 3 is under active development. Some of the features that exists on version 2 may not be available on version 3. We will update this page actively to reflect the changes.
General Guide
Vesyla accept modified C++ code as input language. You shouldn't write the C++ code like a programming language. You should instead use it as a tool to model the behaviour of the hardware. Vesyla supports small portion of C++ grammar. There are some generic rules expressing the programming style vesyla accepts.
- General function call is not allowed unless the function is predefined as primitive function.
- Variables except for constant variable and loop iterator should always model real memory components, and should be declared with implicit or explicit pragma.
- Supported constant numbers are integers.
- For-loop is supported. If-statement is largely supported. While-loop is not supported.
Pragma is the notation that guides Vesyla during synthesis process. Vesyla recognize pragma starting with symbols #pragma
. The main function of pragmas is specify allocation and binding information since Vesyla can't perform automatic allocation and binding. Section Variable Declaration, Arithmetic Operation, Address Constraint DPU Chain and DPU Internal Scalar Register describe how to use pragmas to allocate and bind resources. Some other usage of pragma also exist, check section Resource Sharing Region for more detail.
There are two types of pragmas: single-line pragma and block pragma. Single-line pragma only affects the statement immediately following it. Block pragma affects all statements within the block. Block pragma is started with #pragma start
and ended with #pragma end
. The following example shows how to use pragmas to allocate and bind resources.
Explicit single-line pragma that binds the variable a to register file [0,0]
#pragma bind rf_0_0
RF a;
Implicit binding without pragma that binds the variable rf_0_1 to register file [0,1]
RF rf_0_1;
Block pragma that makes declare a conflict-free zone.
#pragma start conflict_free_zone
#pragma end conflict_free_zone
Variable Declaration
Storage Variable
There is three type of vector storage variables: Register file variable, SRAM variable and I/O variable. Register file variable is used to model register file. SRAM variable is used to model SRAM scratch-pad memory. I/O variable is used to model input and output buffer.
Declare a register file variable.
#pragma bind rf_0_0
RF a;
Declare a SRAM variable.
#pragma bind sram_0_0
You should not declare any I/O variables. They are defined as global varialbes in the generated header file. You can use them as normal variables. The input buffer is named __input_buffer__
and the output buffer is named __output_buffer__
. You can only read from input buffer and write to output buffer. Writing to input buffer and reading from output buffer are not allowed.
Transient Variable
Transient variables are not tight to any hardware resource. It describes the unorganized stream of data after reading from the source storage variables and before writing to the destination storage variables.
The type of transient variables depend on the supported data transfer mode on DRRA fabric. Currently, we support four types of transient variable types:
: Data stream between IO and RF.STREAM_SRAM_CHUNK
: Data stream between SRAM and RF.STREAM_RF_CHUNK
: Data stream between RF and RF, between RF and DPU, and between DPU and DPU.STREAM_ADDR
: A stream of address made of integers.
Scalar Auxiliary Variable
Auxiliary variables are usually used for address calculation. They are not tight to any hardware resource. They can only be declared as int
type at the moment.
Declare and use scalar auxiliary variables.
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<10; i=i+1){
Primitive Function for Address Generation
Vesyla has certain reading or writing primitive functions to interact with storage variables. These primitive functions usually require address stream to specify which chunk of data is affected. To generate such address stream, you need to use primitive functions designed for address generation. Currently, three primitive functions are supported. The following example shows how to use these primitive functions to generate address stream.
Generate an address stream that contains only one address.
STREAM_ADDR addr = silago_agu_constant(1);
Generate a 1-d affine address stream that start from 0, increment by 1, and has 10 elements.
STREAM_ADDR addr = silago_agu_affine_1(0, 1, 10);
Generate a 2-d affine address stream that start from 0, increment by 1, and has 10 elements as level 1 and increment by 2 and has 20 elements as level 2.
STREAM_ADDR addr = silago_agu_affine_2(0, 1, 10, 2, 20);
Primitive Function for Arithmetic Operation
Certain type of arithmetic operations are supported by Vesyla. They are addition, subtraction, dot multiplication, etc. Other arithmetic operations need to be mapped to special DPU mode by primitive function call. We recommend to always use primitive function call to perform arithmetic operation. The following example shows how to use these primitive functions to perform arithmetic operation.
Perform operation: c = a + b
#pragma bind dpu_0_0
c = silago_dpu_add(a, b);
Note that, you should always specify the binding information for arithmetic operations mapped to DPU. Otherwise, Vesyla will not be able to perform allocation and binding.
If a primitive function has multiple outputs, you can use the tie()
function to bundle them to a tuple. For example:
Perform operation: e = a + b
and f = c + d
#pragma bind dpu_0_0
tie(e, f) = silago_dpu_add_2(a, b, c, d);
Vesyla accept very restrict loop syntax to simplify the parsing process. A static loop should have constant start point, static increment as well as static iteration. If an expression that can be simplified to a constant number, it also considered as constant, hence can be used in static loop. Example below shows how to use a static loop.
int n;
n = 3;
for (i=0; i<n+1; i=i+1){
Vesyla support limited dynamic loops. Dynamic loop can have dynamic start point. But the iteration number should be constant.
Example of such dynamic loop is shown below:
for (i=1; i<4; i=i+1)
for (j=i; j<i+3; j=j+1)
Vesyla does not support while-loop style dynamic loop with dynamic iteration number. Free style for-loop that implements a dynamic loop is not supported as well.
Advanced Features
DPU Chain
Datapath can be configured as a chain of DPU operation. The output of the previous DPU will immediately enter the next DPU without any register file involved in between. Consider we want to compute a vector addition and a sigmoid function: z = \sigma (x+y). We can employ two DPUs to perform the complete operation in pipelined fashion. By writing the matlab like the following, you can enable the feature.
#pragma bind dpu_0_0
t = silago_dpu_mac(x, y);
#pragma bind dpu_0_1
z = silago_dpu_sigm(t);
A Complete Example
Here is a complete example of a Vesyla program. The program is a simple vector addition.
void model_l1(){
// Read from input buffer
#pragma bind rf_0_0
RF rf_0_0;
sab=silago_io_read(__input_buffer__, silago_agu_affine_1(0,1,2));
rf_0_0 = silago_rf_write_from_io_stream (sab, silago_agu_affine_1(0,1,2), rf_0_0);
// Read from register file
STREAM_RF_CHUNK aa, bb, cc;
aa = silago_rf_read(rf_0_0, silago_agu_affine_1(0,1,16));
bb = silago_rf_read(rf_0_0, silago_agu_affine_1(16,1,16));
// Computation
#pragma bind dpu_0_0
cc = silago_dpu_add(aa, bb);
// Write to register file
rf_0_0 = silago_rf_write(cc, silago_agu_affine_1(0,1,16), rf_0_0);
// Write to output buffer
sc = silago_rf_read_to_io_stream (rf_0_0 , silago_agu_affine_1(0,1,1));
__output_buffer__=silago_io_write(sc, silago_agu_affine_1(0,1,1), __output_buffer__);